“Amorah, Morah? Are you in there darling?” came a loud unwelcome voice accompanied by very insistent knocking.
“Amorah please, it’s Jacob let me in.” he pleaded rustling the door knob.
Amorah mumbled in response and rolled out of bed. She felt around blindly for her glasses.
The knocking persisted and she had nearly given up on her search when she remembered that she had conveniently used them to keep her place in Jane Eyre last night when her lamp light had become top dim to read further. She had broken many a pair of glasses this way, however, she stubbornly continued this practice. After crawling around on the ground for her book she stood up successfully placing her spectacles on her head. She opened the door a crack and made a groggy attempt at a greeting.
“Oh love, I am so sorry! I woke you didn’t I?” he apologized while thrusting open the door and kissing his fiancé on the forehead.
Amorah half-smiled with her eyes barely opened, then gestured and murmured some sort of response which Jacob took to mean that she thought nothing of the wake-up call.
“Good, good!” he replied, closing the door and guiding Amorah to the sofa, “I come bearing good news! The captain announced that we should be arriving ashore in three days and then just the short journey to London!” he said smiling emphatically.
To this Amorah opened her eyes and hugged Jacob with surprising enthusiasm.
“This is so wonderful!” she exclaimed, “I haven’t seen Carolyn in ages!” Jacob’s smile broadened and he hugged her tighter.
“Yes, and we can publicly announce our engagement!” he added, Amorah’s smile wavered.
“Oh, oh yes of course,” she agreed trying to share his excitement, while pulling away from his embrace, “Our engagement, everyone will be so…thrilled when they hear,” she added through clenched teeth; while still attempting a smile.
“Uhm, well yes. I think so too.” noticing her expression, he asked, “Are you alright Mor, you don’t seem quite so excited anymore, what’s wrong?”
“Wrong!” she cried, unprepared for this question, “Why, what could possibly be wrong? We will arrive in London in approximately three days time and then everyone will know of our engagement. I’m swell Jacob, really.” she nodded and smiled in reassurance.
He took her hands in his. “Somehow I’m not quite convinced,” he said frowning slightly, “But I know I could not be happier.”
Jacob leaned in for a kiss and Amorah, realizing almost too late, quickly turned her cheek to him. Amorah quickly pulled away and raced to open the door. Jacob sighed and followed her.
“Amorah,” he said taking her face in his hands, “I love you.”
She was desperate for any form of escape, however, at that exact moment the ‘night captain’ as she was forced to refer to him as, walked past looking altogether too smug for her liking. Instead of dodging the kiss that Jacob once again sought she embraced it, melting her body, almost inappropriately, against his. With one eye open she watched his expression, initially shocked but then as he continued to walk down the hall she heard faint muffled laughter.
Jacob clung to her, forcing his body closer still, pressing his hand into the small of her back. This is exactly the kind of situation I’ve been trying to avoid! She thought with dismay and discomfort. Though she would have liked nothing more than to peel herself from Jacob’s body and hastily shut the door, she seemed incapable of doing just that. She felt terribly inappropriate, locked in an embrace in the doorway to her bedroom; however, her lips did nothing to discourage the passion with which Jacob’s were meeting them. She was shocked by the safety and warmth she felt in his arms. Could I actually be enjoying this right now? She thought. She was completely astounded. Dear God! Am I…attracted to my fiancé?
She ripped her body from Jacob’s and forced him into the corridor, slamming the door with more stealth than she was aware she possessed. She stared at him through the peep hole, watching as he tried to recover himself.
“Amorah?” he questioned, his voice cracked and he looked very unsure of himself.
“Uhmm… see you at breakfast darling!” she shouted through the door, then threw herself onto the bed and buried her head in the pillows.
Not bad,Not bad!!!I like d gustiness and d word flow!You shoulda finished this long ago already n neva stopped!
ReplyDeleteI know, T! I'm a bit mentally challenged at times! I'm going to try to keep it up though, i've been putting this off and starting it up again for far too long!
ReplyDeleteLol.Nahh,it happens to the best of us...and i'd quite say in truth you've managed some spate of discipline-those are some good fine pages penned out.
ReplyDeleteGo on n give us more updates..tho at some point you'll prob wanna start thinking of content protection!!!
Thank you so much! I have no idea how to even go about content protection!?